Saturday, March 20, 2010


Trying to live a healthy lifestyle can be a tricky business these days.

After many years of trying to figure out how best to do this, I have made a start for me and my family.
First of all I slowly decreased how much wheat we were having by baking most things without wheat. Now, I am happily at a point where I do not have wheat at all. I never thought I could be happy about that!
We also have a very, very small amount of sugar. By small I mean that I have 1-2 wheat free, sugar low brownies a week. And that is all. For a sweet tooth like me it is a small miracle.
If you are unsure of the effects of wheat, sugar and dairy, why not do a google search to discover for yourself.
We still have some dairy in our diet, but it is fairly low. My sons and I drink Goat milk - I think the best of all the milks out there. What do you think?